Princess the wonder dog is now back at her grandparents. I thought I'd have to console Beckett because over the course of the past few days he's expressed the fact that he does not want her to go. Ugh. Break my heart.
Well, now it is he who is consoling me. It was so nice to have Princess in our home for such a long stay. In some ways, it felt like she had never left. P's mom knows it, but I *almost* didn't adopt Princess out after she found her way back to me for what, the 3rd time? I really struggled with the thought of letting her go. In reality, I could not ask for a better home for Princess. She has an entire extended family that would do anything for her. She certainly is not wanting for love! But still, it leaves my heart a little broken again. Damn I love that dog. I'm going to miss sneaking her up on the sofa with me to cuddle.
As Princess has been my one and only foster, my words don't carry as much weight as the countless other foster families out there. But if for one minute you thought you might be able to offer up your home and your heart to a foster dog, please do. For all the tears I have shed, I'd cry a million more if it meant that there were no more dogs dying in our shelters... especially pit bulls.