Hey everyone, I'm excited to say I got some awards and memes this week! I've been bad at following up on some in the past with mom being super busy and all so I'm going to make sure I let my friends know I appreciate them by actually posting and everything!

First up, an award that was given to me over a month ago from my Vizsla friend
With this one I'm supposed to tell you 10 things that make me happy!! Here goes:
1. All my blog friends and followers!
2. Mommy and Daddy coming home!
3. Also, having a daddy now who plays fetch with me a lot!
4. Treats
5. Walks & Runs
6. Car Rides
7. Bully Sticks!!
8. Tennis Balls and playing Fetch!!!!
9. Doggy playdates!
10. My cousin Roscoe
Next up, is a Photo meme from another pretty pit bull
Daisy. Here are the rules:
1. open your most recent photo folder
2. select the tenth photo in the photo folder
3. post the photo and tel the story behind it
4. tag five more peeps or dogs or kitties or rats or hamsters or goats

So here it is, well it's not super recent as momma has been very bad about uploading pictures of me from her camera.
This is dad and me before he was my dad at his ranch. Don't worry that car doesn't run, so he wasn't drinking and driving!
Mom thinks some of her human friends would have fun with this so she wants me to tag some so you might not recognize them:
1. Jennie
2. Anna
TillieNext up is an award from the most handsome
Quizz. He is giving me the golden cup

I'd like to pass this along to some other great pibbles I know!
The Houston Pittie Pack2.
My Life with Dogs (Big Carl even though he's not a pibble, but I bet he thinks he is!)
Pooches for Peace5.
Two Pitties in the City6.
One Pibble's Wish7.
Bruschie9. And all my other most awesome pibble blog friends! I'm so happy we are all making the breed look good!
Last, but certainly not least is my most recent award from Charlie the Pibble.
So, here's what I have to do:

- Post the award within my post.
Check! (Isn't it pretty!)- Send the award to 12 bloggers who add a little sunshine to my life.
Check!- Post links to the 12 blogs I've sent the award to.
Check!- Leave a comment on their blog telling them they've gotten the award.
Check!- Put these instructions in my post so they'll know what to do!
I'm going to cheat a little (
shhh, don't tell anyone!!) and I want to pass this award on
to all my blog friends because you all bring a little sunshine to both me and my mom's days with your great pictures, fun stories and just everything that you share with us! Thanks for letting us in to your lives. So this is for Dory, Honey, Dennis, Dixie & Lola, Bentley, Mina, Dozer, Pink, Cloud, Trinity, Stella, Banjo & Bijou, Nellie & Calvert, Ali, Boxen & Bella, Marge, Lorenza, Celeste, the Dogfathers, Persian Pit Bull, Mango, and all the others that I hate to say I'm forgetting off the top of my head. But thank you all!!
(Betcha wish I just did a Wordless Wednesday today don't you?! hehe)